Now that you just bought a business that you like from its previous owner, now is the time to keep it safe from all possible dangers. This is your business now and it is essential to keep your investment all in one piece by doing all or any of these 6 ways to keep your business safe.
- Invest in secure door locks: Even if you plan on having a 24/7 operations for your business (such as a convenience store), you need door locks that will keep your business premise safe and tidy in one piece. Fit deadbolts to your doors so that your premises become totally untouchable to outsiders once you are officially closed for the day. Make sure that all entry and exit points are fortified with locks and that spare copies of your keys are left in the hands of staff members who you trust.
- Get a security camera: It is impossible to keep an eye on every activity that goes inside your business premises. You need to pay attention to your customers, to your staff, to the deliveries that take place everyday and so on. You cannot keep an eye on every single activity most especially the fishy ones. With the technology that we have today, it is easy to get a reliable yet an affordable security camera that can monitor and survey your premises for as long as you are open for business. And in case something really fishy is happening, you have evidence to show to the courts.
- Install safe windows: Invest well on the fixtures that go in your premises starting with your windows. If you cannot get your windows to have secure locks, invest in burglar-resistant window panes instead. While the purchase of a glass break sensor alarm may be a tad expensive, there is always a price to pay when it comes to your premises' security. Moreover, make sure that window treatments you invest in for your business premises align with the Building Code of Australia.Check with your builder or contractor.
- Property lighting: Proper lighting for your business premises goes a long, long way in keeping you, your staff and your customers safe. Make sure that your premises' perimeter is well lighted to avoid threats to your security. It is your best protection against burglaries, vandalisms and more. Keep all doors and other entry points well-lighted. Invest in LED and CFL lighting so you do not shock yourself with a pricey electricity bill at the end of each month.
- A secure cash register or a safe box: Get a tamper-proof, burglar-resistant and fire-proof cash register or safe box and keep it away from plain view. Keep it locked at all times if you are not by the counter. If you are keeping a safe box, make it a habit to change the combination code whenever you release someone from your employment. If possible, do not give out combination codes to your safe box to someone you do not trust 100%.
- Keep confidential details confidential: Especially if you recently bought an existing business, make sure that all paper works are transitioned to you and that includes all business contacts, contracts and policies. It is important that these are not divulged so as to protect your interest as the new business owner and proprietor.
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