Saturday, July 26, 2014

Ways to Declutter Your Home to Help You Sell

A big buyer turn off is a cluttered home. Mess spells chaos and if you want to sell your property quick, you need to find ways to get rid of the clutter. 
Decluttering usually means getting rid of things and throwing them away, but it is not always easy regardless if the property you are vacating is a small apartment or a 2-storey house.

In this article, we will show you ways how you can declutter so your property is ready for the real estate market.

First, get an outsider’s perspective, if your property is indeed a mess and chaotic place. We tend to invest in a lot of furniture and sentimental items and we put them in our house for decoration. For us who see the same things day in and day out, we might think that the effects in our property are clutter instead of a feature of your home that highlights it as a good place to live in. Ask a friend or a family member about what they really think about your property. Your home may be perfectly organised as it is and you only need to declutter on a few rooms and not on your entire space. 

Second, inspect the nooks and crannies of your property. Clutter resides in corners, inside shelves and cupboards, under beds, and in the attic. Prioritise these areas as you declutter instead of attending to the most obvious areas of your property. When a potential buyer inspects your property, he or she will likely open cabinets, see storage rooms and check areas often neglected on a daily basis. Make sure that you do not oversee these areas of your property during home viewing. At its best, these tiny yet important areas of your home help in giving your property the best impression possible. 

Third, get all the clutter away and sort them accordingly. Will you take this clutter with you as move to your new address? Will you donate it? Or will you simply toss it in the garbage? If you think you are getting rid of valuable clutter, but you have no plans of taking with you anymore, hold a garage sale in your neighbourhood. It is a great way to get some value from things you do not need anymore.

Fourth, remember not to declutter everything. It is best to leave a few neutral decorations in its original place to make your property a little more inviting to your prospective buyers. Stow away your personal items and put them in a box for hauling. Saving a few trinkets and home furniture will help you save money on home staging.

Lastly, start decluttering as early as possible. Remember that the clutter you have so far did not arrive all at the same time. These things have accumulated over time and so it follows that getting rid of them cannot be done in one go. Start decluttering on one area of your property and you are on your way. 

You may be able to handle all your decluttering requirements all by yourself, but you definitely need professional help when selling your property in the market. Get the help of professional and experienced real estate agents who can give the best price and the best exposure for your property. 


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